It's been a while. Again.
I've been busy.
I love to craft.
Pinterest is like crafting crack.
You can find me HERE.
Ever since I joined last Fall, I have been crafting up a storm. The holidays were bad, or good depending on how you look at it.
I've always wanted to play with old furniture and turn it into something cool.
Pinterest was just the tip of the iceberg. I found this old wood boat storage curio thingy. I had found my first piece to play with. Now it's not a masterpiece by any means but it was so fun!!
So from there I went to town. I painted chairs, picture frames, big frames, little frames and anything else I could find. Mario actually said to me, "Are you going to paint anything else green"? Even though I love them, there's only so many signs one can have. Since before this we had already purchased some beach and boats ones etc. I had to do something else with some of them. For Valentines Day I made Mario a St. George Island sign. Which is the island we got married on. I bought a glue gun. Ok, no biggie right. Then I bought a sander. A friend from Stella's preschool asked me to make a sign for her Grandparents. Her cousin bought some frames I had when I dropped off said sign and I'm having so much fun that a friend and I are going to do a craft show next month. We'll see but for now I have put some of the things I've done on Etsy. Some frames, signs, pillows, light switch covers, head bands, clips and whatever else I whip up. Check me out here at Stella by the Sea.
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