We were getting ready to walk out the door and Stella said, "Wait Momma, I gotta get my purse!"
Friday field trip to the Gulf Specimen Lab
Watch out! Shark!
We went straight from the field trip to the beach!
Nice smile Stella Roo....cheese ball.
We found a sand dollar!
Then Bella came over to play for a while until the rain slowed down!
Sunday we went with Daddy to the beach!
He caught a Stingray. Scary looking little buggers.
Mario threw out the net and caught some little bait fish. Believe it or not Stella loves them. They are her pets. She moves them back and forth between buckets, puts them on the top of her sand castles & drops them in little tide pools then catches them again. Usually there's a few casualties from their playdates.
We've been busy playing. A lot. We've been going to the Friday field trips. We've been clocking some beach time. We've taken long walks exploring sea life and collecting shells. We've had play dates galore. Boy oh boy have we been eating watermelon. Oh and popsicles, lots of popsicles. We've gone to puppet shows. Craft time at the library. Hung out at the pool. All sorts of fun going on around here lately. Not to mention, we've finally had some rain! I think it was over a month with temps pushing 100 and not a drop of rain. It was hot, I was wilting. Any living thing in our yard was dying. Even with watering once a day. This week we've had afternoon/evening showers and it feels so good! Mario's sister and family arrive next week so I see lots more of the above activities in our near future!