Sometimes things happen in life that make you feel like someone picked up your world and shook it. Hard. Then set it back down, but not in the right way. It was tilted. Not quite right.
I haven't been updating lately. I haven't even really been taking many pictures. I haven't wanted to sit down and post some pictures and pretend like everything is flowers, hearts and rainbows. I just didn't know what to say. The day we got back from Boca I got a phone call.
My mom has breast cancer.
It hurts.
Things have been moving so quickly since that evening. SO much has happened. Stella and I went to Seattle to be with family and try to provide some support.
My mom is fighting. It hurts.
Even though things like this change the world you live in, and how you exist in the day to day, it cannot define you. It cannot define a family. Yet, it still takes up a lot of room in the corners of your mind.
The last month or so have been a blur. My mom deserves some privacy walking this road, I just couldn't write or update without acknowledging it.
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She has been down this road before and come out on the other end. That doesn't make the race any easier. Each road has it's own terrain.
She started chemo when we were in Seattle and will continue through that during the next few months. Again, please keep sending positive energy in her direction. We appreciate all the love, support and help everyone has given to her and us.
Stella and I were in Seattle just about 2 weeks. We didn't really spend time visiting with anyone except family, but that was what the trip was about. Tried to spend as much time possible with my mom and fit in some time with everyone else also. We split up time between staying with Carrie and Hill. An 18 month old doesn't really allow for rest so thankfully Stella got to spend some time with family while I helped mom out and then she also got to spend a little time with her too. Pictures to follow from the trip.