Getting there....
I'm getting reeeeeaaaally close to being done with her room. I just picked up the bumper today and want to say a HUGE thanks to Judy for doing such a great job. It is so pretty and looks so good! I love the pattern even more then when I picked it out. The pink chenille looks great with it. It's hard to believe it's coming together and looks great. I remember looking and looking for a fabric and pattern that I loved. If you are in to fabrics (which I usually wouldn't be but just might start because of her designs) check out AMY BUTLER. Her fabric designs are so unique and I could use different ones all over our house. After we win the lottery and have everything custom made...heehee.
I love love love our glider. It is so comfortable and the color is perfect. I could just sit and sit in it. Which I'm sure I will be. :) Grandparents are the best! Our parents have been SO helpful with everything! Thank you Papa and know what I'm talking about. Thank you Mom for all of your help! I can't wait til you get to see it all in person! Thanks Erin and Dad, the box was wonderful and so thoughtful. I'm glad you hadn't completely "cleaned house" yet and the rocker "rocks"!!! ;)
Today was my last day of work. Phew. So glad. I start in on the house Monday. I have so many projects on my list. Cleaning closets, the fridge, that sort of thing. Not to mention washing all the baby stuff, sterilizing everything, etc. Oh ya, and I was going to work on some National stuff too. Now before anyone says a single thing about nesting you should know I make a list every weekend of my stuff I want to get done. I am kind of scared what is going to happen if and when I am "nesting". Watch out for the crazy woman with the broom and vaccum. Nana and I are getting pedis in the morning! Yay! Then I have Dr's appt's so it will be a good day.
Happy weekend!