Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wakulla Springs

Plotting their sandcastle

Baby Trace, why are you eating that?
At least Maddie would smile! :)
Yesterday Jenny and I took the kids to Wakulla Springs for the afternoon. 2 of Jennys kids are back in school so during the day she only has Maddie and baby Trace. Which is perfect for outings for the girls! The girls play well together and Stella is getting better at the whole "play" thing. The springs is a State Park with cold clear water, and I mean COLD. I won't go past my knees, but on a hot day it's refreshing even to stand in. The humidity has cooled down some. It was still 90-95 though. There are no waves so the kids spend more time in the water here then at the beach and there's a nice little half shade half sun sandy spot for us to sit.
Stella's big thing now is "Oh". Everything is Oh.
(Her) Mama, where's Dada?
(Me) At work.
(Her) "Oh"

(Her) Mama, treat?
(usually grapes or raisins or something and she isn't the wiser that it's not really a treat)
(Me) No baby, I'm making dinner right now and we're going to eat in a bit.
(Her) "Oh"
(Me) Ok, Stella let's go c'mon.
(Her) Bye? Bye?
(Me) Yes baby, we have to go to the grocery store.
(Her) "Oh"
You get the picture. It's kinda like the preview of "why"? I have a feeling when she figures that one out it's gonna be fun.

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