Vroom Vroom

Stella's friend Maddie had a birthday party on the 4th!

I think it's safe to say that Stella had a great time!

Watching worms

On the 4th of July we went over to Mario's dads for a yummy brisket dinner. Stella's baby cousin Jakob was there that we finally got to meet. It was a really fun time with family. After that we went to Stella's friend Maddie birthday party. She had so much fun running around with the other kids. When we got home Mario lit of 2 big fireworks. By this time Stella was wiped out from her exciting day so she just layed her head on my shoulder and hung on to my neck. I thought she was a little scared but didn't cry. Since then every day she has said "Boom Booms" at LEAST once a day. I guess she wasn't quite as scared as I thought!